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Is fear holding you back?

By holding onto your fears, refusing to step out of your comfort zone, you make no impact in peoples lives. Life is too short to live in fear.

As we get older, fear gets bigger and it can stagnate us with our brain becoming hardwired to stay comfortable.

For a person who is trying to get in better shape both for their mind and body, typical fear will manifest itself as the fear of the unknown; fear of being judged or an overwhelming fear of failure all leading to what we know, in the industry, as ‘gym anxiety’.

For those who think it is just about resetting your mindset you are unfortunately barking up the wrong tree which is maybe where you are going wrong. It is more scientific than that and it involves how our brains work…

The brain wires the way it fires

As the saying goes… “A change is as good as a rest”!

When we change things that are outside of our comfort zone, we begin to hardwire into our brain change, adaptability, creativity, growth, perspective and, most importantly, HAPPINESS.

We are stretching the boundaries of our brain’s capabilities and forcing it to rewire to make that action or activity feel safe.

For example, our famous fitness ambassadors and Olympic athletes didn’t achieve optimum nutrition and fitness without pushing past their comfort zone and taking risks to force their mind to grow to that of a ‘top performer’.

So, what is the first step to conquering your fears?

Firstly, you need to jot down what your fears are.  Here are some examples we have found when talking to our previous participants of The Six Pack Revolution.

  1. I’m injured / ill so I cannot exercise
  2. I’m a busy mum I don’t have time to cook from recipes
  3. I cannot afford the gym
  4. I need to be motivated before I start
  5. Exercise is boring
  6. I’m slim so why should I bother
  7. I’ve already tried that, it didn’t work
  8. I’m too young / old to be considered

Becoming fearless isn’t the point.  That’s impossible.  It’s learning how to control your fear, and how to be free from it.

Here are our top tips on facing your fear and doing it anyway…

Spend some time with your fear

By exploring what is stopping you from starting down the healthy route, you are allowing your mind to focus on what is a valid fear and which are irrational thoughts.


Contrary to popular opinion ‘size matters’ – to your brain all your fears, big or small, are treated equally.

The key to you addressing your fears is to bring them all to light being specific as possible and in order of importance so you can identify your biggest fear which is holding you back and is disrupting your life.

Show yourself some support

Meditation, Yoga, exercise isn’t for everyone.  However, what you will find in those people who regularly spend time on themselves whether it is walking the dog, swimming or taking part in a group activity, they have a better ability to focus and connect in a deeper and more meaningful way to their own beliefs.  This allows them to be uplifting and empowering when required propelling them towards conquering their goals.

Re-frame and Reinforce

Start small, you are trying to address your fears head on however, you must make sure you reinforce the experience in a positive perspective.  Whether it is sharing your goals with your close family and friends; starting that exercise class you wanted to do or just cutting out something unhealthy the first time might honestly feel like a train wreck, but getting through that first time allows you to look back on the situation and push pass your fear and get closer to accomplishing your goal.

Stick with it – consistency is KING

Fear builds up slowly and tackling your fears can be challenging.  If your fear is changing your diet, then this isn’t going to go away overnight.  Look for support from your family who live with you. Just by talking it can take away any irrational thoughts.  Be consistent there is no quick fix, it may take some time and avoid setting an unrealistic time limit unless you are following a specific health programme.

Final Thought

Time is on your side.  There will always be a new fear or challenge awaiting us.  The key is to have systems like this in place to address those challenges properly rather than allowing ourselves to succumb to fear and derail our lives from their fullest potential.

There are many good books that rewire your brain to combat our own fears, here are a few of our favourites from the Six Pack Revolution team.

Our Favourite 'Rewire your Brain' Books...

Banish Your Inner Critic:
Silence The Voice Of Self-doubt To Unleash Your Creativity And Do Your Best Work
by Denise Jacobs

The Big Leap:
Conquer Your Hidden Fear and Take Life to the Next Level
by Gay Hendricks

Rewire Your Anxious Brain:
How to Use the Neuroscience of Fear to End Anxiety, Panic and Worry
by Catherine M Pittman and Elizabeth M Karle

and our founder, Scott Harrison’s, favourite:

The Secret:
A life changing book based on the belief of the Law of Attraction
by Rhonda Byrne

Try our mindfulness exercise - If this, then that….and then what!

Grab a piece of paper and write down some open-ended questions about your current health.  Here are a few of examples…

IF THIS: What if I start then give up?

THEN THAT:  Find your idol – somebody who you want to look like in terms of their physic.  Put it on your fridge / on your phone saver basically anywhere that will jog your memory of why you are putting yourself through this – it works and it is incredibly motivational.

NOW WHAT: Take away the temptation.  Spend time cleansing your home.  Rid your cupboards and your fridge of unhealthy foods and spend some time working out how you can plan your food intake for 7 days INCLUDING work / home and socialising against the recommended nutritional advice.

IF THIS: What if I have booked a holiday?

THEN THAT:  Rewire your brain.  The odd treat isn’t going to kill you.  But it is well documented that if you do not approach getting healthy as a way of life you will always end up back where you started.  As we mentioned in the beginning, it all stems with our brain and changing our perspective.

THEN THAT:  Research where you are going.  Find out about the local cuisine and how you can adapt your own nutrition plan to meet your goals.

NOW WHAT:  Sometimes this will be easy, and sometimes it will take you out of your comfort zone.  Just remember to stay calm and if in doubt opt for plainer choices avoiding sauces and reduce the amount of food you consume at each sitting.  Keep your exercise routine up while you are away, it will boost your endorphins and keep you happy even if you stray off plan!

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The Six Pack Revolution is a 75 day transformation programme, where we coach you on fitness, mind-set and nutrition.

Founded by Scott Harrison, the programme includes everything you need to get you into the best shape of your life. You’ll learn how to cook delicious recipes, and complete daily and weekly fitness challenges within a group of like-minded people, all looking to achieve the same outcome as YOU!

All our Six Pack Revolution coaches have been through the programme. They started where you are today and are proof that the programme works, and proof that anyone can do it too!

One of the best things about The Six Pack Revolution is the support network. You’ll get to know your new fitness family through a private Facebook Group. This is ‘The Hub’ where others in the group share their experiences, results and tips on overcoming obstacles.

We believe in you, and can’t wait to welcome you to the revolution!